Presbyterians of the Past

Catalog, Parker Society Series, English Reformation

The Parker Society was named for Archbishop of Canterbury Matthew Parker (1504-1575) whose tenure extended from 1559 until his death during the reign of Elizabeth 1. It was quite an accomplishment to be a cleric during sixteenth-century Tudor Britian and live without receiving a regent’s wrath in the form of exile, imprisonment, or execution. He and the Puritans did not get along regarding the issue of vestments and the clergy, nor did they care for his Church of England polity and sentiments, but despite their antipathy towards him, Parker, as seen in his correspondence, interceded for them with the queen and made some concessions. Parker is believed to have been attracted to Reformation ideas through Thomas Bilney (c.1495-1531) who died at the stake for his Reformation teaching. Parker and Martin Bucer became good friends during his time teaching in Cambridge.

The catalog of the fifty-five volumes of The Parker Society series was compiled from examination of physical copies from two theological seminaries and one university over the course of several years. Looking back on the process, I should have added some comments providing details about the volumes. The editor hopes the catalog will be of assistance because one of the purposes of the Presbyterians of the Past site is to provide resources for study of Presbyterian and Reformed history. Note that the content of Parker Society volumes are transcriptions of primary sources. Any of the volumes cataloged below could be used for a student class paper, a source for a masters thesis, or combined with manuscripts from dusty digging in archives to yield a dissertation. The advantage of the catalog is subjects can be scanned for items of interest. Undoubtedly, there are some reprints that have been missed by the editor, and he apologizes for their absence. 

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