Reformed theology in the American Colonies developed primarily among those who spoke English from Scotland, Wales, Ireland, and England. Reformed societies from the western Continent such as the Swiss, German, Dutch...
Charles H. Read, Pastor in War-Time Richmond
The Second General Council of the Presbyterian Alliance convened representatives from all over the world in Philadelphia beginning September 23 with sessions ending October 3, 1880. Both the Pennsylvania governor and...
Christianity in Holland, 200 Years Ago
The following excerpts are from the review article, “The Religious Condition of Holland,” as published in The Biblical Repertory and Theological Review 5:1, January 1833, pages 19-33. The writer of the article is J. W...
Nathaniel Irwin and the Plan of Union 1801
In 1681, William Penn’s father entrusted to him a proprietorship of over forty-thousand square miles of land stretching west from the Delaware River. It was named Pennsylvania. The tract was given to Penn by Charles II...
Jethro Rumple, Pastor & Presbyter
Cabarrus County was established in 1792 and named for Stephen Cabarrus who was the speaker of the North Carolina House of Commons. The county holds an important place in American history because gold was discovered at...
John Work Scott, Educator, and the Importance of Curiosity
John Work was born November 27, 1807 to Andrew and Mary (Dinsmore) Scott within the parish of the Slate Ridge Presbyterian Church in York County, Pennsylvania. His early education was received under the direction of...