The following sermon is from Luke 2:13, 14 as found on pages 76-90 of Archibald Alexander’s book, Practical Sermons to be Read in Families and Social Meetings, 1850. A few things to observe in the sermon include Dr...
Review, Adam Smith by Jan Van Vliet
Continuing the Great Thinkers series, P&R has released Adam Smith by Jan Van Vliet, with a forward by David Bahnsen. Van Vliet is uniquely qualified to interpret Smith because his professional experience includes...
Polity of the Plymouth Pilgrims
Introduction. The church at Leyden was the mother church for the Pilgrim congregation in Plymouth Plantation in New England. John Robinson was pastor of the Leyden congregation and continued ministy there until his...
J. H. Merle D’Aubigné, Reformation Historian & Apologist
For anyone familiar with books published about the history of the Reformation the mention of D’Aubigné is likely associated with his historical studies of the era. The first of five volumes appeared in French in 1835...
Melancthon W. Jacobus, Last Old School Moderator
Melancthon Williams, born September 19, 1816, was the first child of Peter and Phebe (Williams) Jacobus. His father owned a saddlery and harness making factory that abutted the family property in Newark, New Jersey. Mrs...
The Southern and Western Theological Seminary, Maryville, Tennessee
The following excerpt about one minister’s persistence estblishing a seminary in eastern Tennessee is extracted from J. E. Alexander’s A Brief History of the Synod of Tennessee, From 1817 to 1887, Philadelphia: MacCalla...