This year Reformation Day marks the 499th remembrance of Martin Luther’s presentation of his theses against Roman Catholicism’s use of indulgences and it anticipates the celebration of the quincentennial in 2017. Luther...
Minutes, Presbytery of Fayetteville, April 3-5, 1845
The Presbytery of Fayetteville of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America (PCUSA) was established a presbytery of the Synod of the Carolinas on October 2, 1812. The geographic bounds of its authority...
Colin McIver, Salkehatchie Presbyterian Church
The state of South Carolina is rich with Presbyterian and Reformed history because of its early settlement by Presbyterian Ulster Scots, Highlanders, Hebrideans, and others from the land of tartans and the Emerald Isle...
Was George Gallup Right?
Recently, while taking on the daunting task of cleaning out my many files, paper ones not digital, I ran across a tanned and deteriorating clipping that I had glued right in the middle of a bright white sheet of typing...
Religion in the Public Schools, 1887, A. A. Hodge
The issues associated with the place of religion in public education, prayer in the schools, the Ten Commandments, and the Bible have been debated for years. The article available for download at the end of this...
Chap. Bryan J. Weaver, 1955-2016
Presbyterians of the Past generally posts articles about people and subjects of the more distant past, but because the United States is celebrating its birthday and many men and women are away from hearth and home on...