Jacob Jones was born in New York, November 20, 1774, to George and Effie (Ten Eyck) Janeway. The family were members of the Reformed Dutch Church. The Dutch established a colony in 1609 a portion of which included what...
Guy Prentiss Waters, The Sabbath as Rest and Hope
How do we think of the Sabbath in a world of continuous connections to people, places, and things via digital devices? Marketers are proud of their twenty-four hours per day, seven days a week ability to deliver...
What are the Old Side & New Side?
The Old and New Sides are not the same as the Old and New Schools. From 1741-1758, Presbyterians in the American Colonies were divided into the Old and New Sides. The Old Side was the Synod of Philadelphia; the New Side...
Did Jesus Marry Mary Magdalene?
I was taken by surprise when asked by someone if Jesus married Mary Magdalene. I had not heard the theory recently but knew my answer was no. Some quick Internet searches showed it was the subject of recent articles and...
An Efficient Ministry, by Alexander Scott
Alexander Scott was born in Washington County, Pennsylvania, June 16, 1826. He graduated Jefferson College and taught school before completing studies at Princeton Seminary in 1859. He was ordained an evangelist and...
Review, Palmer Robertson, Richard Gaffin Books
The year 2022 is an important one for students of Scripture. Biblical interpreter O. Palmer Robertson has published The Testimony of the Four Gospels which is the first of a projected three-volume set titled Christ of...